Monday, August 22, 2011

The very best Samian Fairytales!

Some of the bar owners of Samos have finally discovered the internet and social media platforms and now are trying to promote their businesses via those so-called social media. Nothing wrong about that!

But some do a bit too much. And try to send tailormade fairytales to the internet community/social media platforms.
Unfortunately - I have to say this because I like Pythagorion and the port a lot - one prominent example is the "Corner Bar" in Pythagorion!

With "interviews" posted on YouTube by "seomaster" and "reports" on blogs they want to create some sort of virtual reality. Sort of: "Dreams are my reality"! Which has very little in common with the reality in the port of Pythagorion!

Watch this video by "seomaster" on YouTube: "Top Bars in Samos? | Corner-Bar in Pythagorion | An Unbiased Interview from Samos tourists"

and don't be surprised that the identical content (!) you will find again here, published again by "seomaster" under the title: Why worldwide travellers choose Pythagorion in Samos as the top destination?" Lol!

Maybe you will notice the same like I do:
Music is from Romania, the interior of the bar looks like it could be anywhere in Spain, South France, Italy, Turkey, the couple is from Norway, the interviewer talks in english .....

Are you sure, that place is in Greece? Why?
Due to what fact? Any hints there?

What is left here of Greece and greek culture in a bar in the port of Pythagorio?
I say: nothing!
Can you identify anything greek at all? Please check by watching this video again!

Maybe you start to think about the reason why you wanted to go for holidays to Greece?
Is it true, because you feel at home in all those places, that look all perfectly alike all over the international tourism sphere?

Want to know more of this new marketing genius located in the Corner Bar??
• 7/17/2014 - Why international travelers pick Pythagorion in Samos as the very best desired destination? Particular interview at Corner Bar
The identical text you will find in a different blog here

My opinion:
1.) the greek feeling & the greek heritage of the port of Pythagorion have been massively and effectively destroyed by these types of bars along the waterfront. Maybe the atmosphere was o.k. 20-30 years ago. But is is a tragedy nowadays!
2.) The bars all look the same. If you are slightly drunk, you cannot tell anymore one from the other ....
3.) Over the years of tourism in Pythagorion, many of the original trees in the harbour in front of the houses have been cut off or were felled to enable the spreading of this monocultures of streamlined cocktail and beer consumption temples.
4.) the young norwegian couple has been abused for a pure commercial!

You will find mostly scandinavian or dutch tourists there! Almost no greek people sitting there. Greek Alpha or Mythos beer? Come on, you are in Greece-for-tourists! You better ask for the higher priced Heineken or Amstel beer in bottles to fully enjoy your evening in Greece!

Local people avoid these bars in the port! Why?

btw: if you are looking for the "best supermarket on Samos island", any guess where it is? The genius "seomaster" found it out again! In Pythagorion of course! And posted a video about it on YouTube! Lol!

supplement 13.09.2011
The marketing hero with a thousand faces has struck again!
"Where is Samos" & "SamosExclusive", videos on YouTube consuming a lot of lifetime of viewers, promising a lot (e.g. "Almost all Top Places to check out and Activities to Make") without offering anything but hot steam! (Vaporware!)

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